XMLListNode Ojbects

class jxmlease.XMLListNode(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize an XMLListNode object.

The optional first parameter can be the value to which the object should be initialized. All other parameters must be given as keywords.

Normally, the user can simply run this as:

>>> node = XMLListNode(initializer)

In fact, the best way to use this is:

>>> root = XMLDictNode({'root': {'branch': { 'leaf': 'a'}}})

That will set all the tags, keys, etc. correctly. However, if you really want to customize a node, there are other parameters available. Note that these parameters only impact this node and descendants. They don’t actually add the node to a tree. Therefore, their use is discouraged. Instead, you can probably use the add_node() method to build your tree correctly.

The one exception to this general rule is when adding a hunk of a tree. For example, assume you currently have this XML structure:


And, assume you want to add another node b to create this XML structure:


In that case, you might do something like this:

>>> root.prettyprint()
{u'a': {u'b': {u'node1': u'a'}}}
>>> new_b = {'node2': 'b'}
>>> new_b = XMLDictNode(new_b, tag="b")
>>> _ = root['a'].add_node(tag="b", new_node=new_b)
>>> root.prettyprint()
{u'a': {u'b': [{u'node1': u'a'}, {'node2': u'b'}]}}

And, you can print the XML to prove it is formatted correctly:

>>> print root.emit_xml()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  • initializer (as appropriate for node) – The initial value for the node.
  • tag (string) – The XML tag for this node.
  • key (string or tuple) – The dictionary key used for this node.
  • xml_attrs (dict) – The XML attributes for the node.
  • text (string) – The node’s initial CDATA value. (Note that this is ignored for XMLCDATANode objects.)
  • parent (Instance of a sub-class of XMLNodeBase) – A reference to the object’s parent node in the data structure.
  • convert (bool) – If True, the convert() method is run on the object’s children during object initialization.
  • deep (bool) – If True (and the convert parameter is True), the convert() method is run recursively on the object’s children during object initialization.

x.__add__(y) <==> x+y


x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x


x.__delattr__(‘name’) <==> del x.name


x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]


x.__delslice__(i, j) <==> del x[i:j]

Use of negative indices is not supported.


x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y


default object formatter


x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y


x.__getattribute__(‘name’) <==> x.name


x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]


x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]

Use of negative indices is not supported.


x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y


x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y


x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y


x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y


x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y


x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n


x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


L.__reversed__() – return a reverse iterator over the list


x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x


x.__setattr__(‘name’, value) <==> x.name = value


x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y


x.__setslice__(i, j, y) <==> x[i:j]=y

Use of negative indices is not supported.


L.__sizeof__() – size of L in memory, in bytes

add_node(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Add an XML node to the XML tree.

You should NOT call this method on an XMLListNode. Instead, call the add_node method on an XMLCDATANode or an XMLDictNode.


L.append(object) – append object to end

append_cdata(cdata, return_node=False)

Append text to a node’s CDATA.

This method appends text to a node’s CDATA. Note that any node can contain CDATA in what is called “semi-structured” XML. However, nodes that only contain CDATA are represented as XMLCDATANode objects. Regardless of the node, you can use this same method to append CDATA.

Note: When running this on an XMLCDATANode, the actual node will be replaced with a new node in the tree. (This is a result of Python’s string immutability.) The function will update the XML tree, if necessary; however, any local references you have saved for the node will become stale. You can obtain the updated node by setting the return_node parameter to True or by running the get_current_node() method on the old node. For this reason, if you plan to keep a local reference to XML node in question, it is a good idea to run the method like this:

>>> node = root['a']['b'][0]
>>> node = node.append_cdata("foo", True)
  • cdata (string) – The text value that should be used for the node’s CDATA.
  • return_node (bool) – Whether the method should return the updated node.

None, if return_node is False, otherwise, the updated node object.


AttributeError – If the node is out of date. (See get_current_node().)

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Delete an XML attribute.

This method deletes an XML attribute from the node. If the attribute does not exist, it raises a KeyError.


attr (string) – The name of the XML attribute.



  • KeyError – If the attr is not found.
  • AttributeError – If the node is out of date. (See get_current_node().)
dict(attrs=None, tags=None, func=None, in_place=False, promote=False)[source]

Return a dictionary keyed as indicated by the parameters.

This method lets you re-key your data with some flexibility. It takes the current node (whether a single node or a list) and turns it into a dictionary. If the current node is a list, all the list members are added to the dictionary. If the current node is not a list, just the current node is added to the dictonary.

The key for each node is determined by the attrs, tags, and func parameters, in that order of precedence. For each node, the method looks for child nodes that have an XML attribute that exactly matches one of the attributes in the attrs argument. If it finds a match, it uses the node’s (not the attribute’s) CDATA as the key.

If the method does not find a matching attribute, it looks for child nodes that have a tag that exactly matches one of the tags in the tags argument. If it finds a match, it uses the node’s CDATA as the key.

If the method does not find a matching tag, it passes the node to the user-suppled function (supplied by the func parameter) and uses the return value as the key.

If the func is not provided or returns a value that evaluates to False (e.g. None or “”), the method uses the node’s XML tag as the key.

If there are multiple matches, the order of precedence is like this (again, this is applied for each node independent of the other nodes):

  1. The attributes in the attrs parameter, in the order they appear in the attrs parameter.
  2. The tags in the tags parameter, in the order they appear in the attrs parameter.
  3. The return value of the user-supplied function.
  4. The node’s XML tag.

If the in_place parameter is True, then the method will replace the current node in the hierarchy with the dictionary. Otherwise, it will create a new dictionary and return it.

If both the in_place and promote parameters are True, then the method will make the changes as described above; however, it will add the nodes to the first dictionary it finds enclosing the curent node.

Some examples should help with this. Here is an example of the simple functionality. Note how the original nodes are turned into a dictionary with the appropriate keys, but the original root is left untouched:

>>> root.prettyprint()
{'a': {'b': [{'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'},
             {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'}]}}
>>> root['a']['b'].dict(tags=['name']).prettyprint()
{u'bar': {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'},
 u'foo': {'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'}}
>>> root.prettyprint()
{'a': {'b': [{'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'},
             {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'}]}}

Here is an example of a dictionary changed in place. Note how the original nodes are turned into a dictionary with the appropriate keys and this dictionary replaces the current node in the hierarchy:

>>> root.prettyprint()
{'a': {'b': [{'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'},
             {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'}]}}
>>> root['a']['b'].dict(tags=['name'], in_place=True).prettyprint()
{u'bar': {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'},
 u'foo': {'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'}}
>>> root.prettyprint()
{'a': {'b': {u'bar': {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'},
             u'foo': {'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'}}}}

Here is an example of the “promotion” functionality. Note how the original nodes are added directly to the root['a'] enclosing dictionary:

>>> root.prettyprint()
{'a': {'b': [{'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'},
             {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'}]}}
>>> root['a']['b'].dict(tags=['name'], in_place=True, promote=True).prettyprint()
{u'bar': {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'},
 u'foo': {'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'}}
>>> root.prettyprint()
{'a': {u'bar': {'name': u'bar', 'value': u'2'},
       u'foo': {'name': u'foo', 'value': u'1'}}}


  1. If the current node is the only member of a list in the XML tree, the operation will occur on that single-node list instead of the node itself.
  2. If the method encounters an exception while trying to modify the XML tree (in_place == True), it will attempt to undo its changes; however, this logic is not completely reliable.
  • attrs (list) – The list of XML attributes that signal a node should be used as a key.
  • tags (list) – The list of XML tags that signal a node should be used as a key.
  • func (function) – A function that will accept a node as a parameter and return a key.
  • in_place (bool) – Whether the change should be made in the XML tree.
  • promote (bool) – Whether the new nodes should be added to a dictonary placed at the current node, or they should be “promoted” to the first enclosing dictionary.

An XMLDictNode. If in_place is False, the dictionary formulated from the current node. If in_place is True, the dictionary to which the nodes were added. (Note: If promote is True, this dictionary may contain additional entries that already existed in the enclosing dictionary.)

  • AttributeError – If the node is out of date and in_place is True. (See get_current_node().)
  • AttributeError – If in_place is True and the method encounters irrecoverable data inconsistency while making changes to the XML tree.
emit_handler(content_handler, pretty=True, newl='\n', indent=' ', full_document=None)

Pass the contents of the XML tree to a ContentHandler object.

This method will pass the contents of the XML tree to a ContentHandler object.

  • content_handler (ContentHandler) – The ContentHandler object to which the XML tree wll be passed.
  • pretty (bool) – If True, this method will call the content_handler.ignorableWhitespace() method to add
  • to the output document. (whitespace) –
  • newl (string) – The string which the method should use for new lines when adding white space (see the pretty parameter).
  • indent (text) – The string which the method should use for each level of indentation when adding white space (see the pretty parameter).
  • full_document (bool) – If True, the method will call the content_handler.startDocument() and content_handler.endDocument() methods at the start and end of the document, respectively. If False, it will not call these methods. If the parameter is not set, the method will attempt to determine whether the current node is the root of an XML tree with a single root tag. If so, it will set the full_document parameter to True; otherwise, it will set it to False.


emit_xml(output=None, encoding='utf-8', handler=<class xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator>, **kwargs)

Return the contents of the XML tree as an XML document.

This method will create a ContentHandler by calling the method provided by the handler parameter. It will call emit_handler() with this ContentHandler object. In addition, this method will accept any parameter that the emit_handler() method accepts (except the content_handler parameter). It will pass them to the emit_handler() method when it calls it.

  • output (A file-like IO object, or None) – The file-like IO object in which output should be placed. If None, the method will return the XML output as a string.
  • encoding (string) – The encoding that should be used for the output.
  • handler (function) – A method that will return a ContentHandler object. This method will be called with two positional parameters: the output parameter (or, if None, a file-like IO object) and the encoding parameter.

If output was None, the method will return the XML output as a string. Otherwise, None.


L.extend(iterable) – extend list by appending elements from the iterable

find_nodes_with_tag(tag, recursive=True)

Iterates over nodes that have a matching tag.

This method searches the current node and its children for nodes that have a matching tag. The tag parameter accepts either a string value or a tuple, allowing you to search for one or more tags with a single operation. Optionally (by providing a False value to the recursive parameter), you can limit the search to the current node and direct children of the current node.

The method will return a generator, which you can use to iterate over the matching nodes.

For example, this will print all “name” nodes from the XML snippet that is shown:

>>> root = jxmlease.parse("""            ... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
... <root>
...     <a>
...         <name>name #1</name>
...         <b>
...             <name>name #2</name>
...         </b>
...         <b>
...             <c>
...                 <name>name #3</name>
...             </c>
...         </b>
...     </a>
... </root>""")
>>> print root
{u'root': {u'a': {u'b': [{u'name': u'name #2'},
                         {u'c': {u'name': u'name #3'}}],
                  u'name': u'name #1'}}}
>>> for node in root.find_nodes_with_tag('name'):
...   print node
name #1
name #2
name #3

However, if we turn off recursion, you will see that this returns only the direct children (if any) of the node we select:

>>> for node in root.find_nodes_with_tag('name', recursive=False):
...   print node
>>> for node in root['root']['a'].find_nodes_with_tag('name', recursive=False):
...   print node
name #1

If you run this against an XMLDictNode without a tag (for example, the tagless root node), then the command is run on each member of the dictionary. The impact of this is that a non-recursive search will search for tags in the grandchildren of the tagless XMLDictNode, rather than searching the children of the tagless XMLDictNode:

>>> root = jxmlease.parse("""            ... <a>
...   <name>second-level tag</name>
...   <b>
...     <name>third-level tag</name>
...   </b>
... </a>""")
>>> for i in root.find_nodes_with_tag('name', recursive=False):
...   print i
second-level tag
>>> for i in root['a'].find_nodes_with_tag('name', recursive=False):
...   print i
second-level tag

This method never returns a list. Instead, lists pass the command through to their child nodes, which may be returned. This ensures you get back each node you requested.

For example, here is a root node with two top-level “name” elements. Searching non-recursively for the “name” tag returns the two “name” elements, even though they are enclosed within a dictionary and list:

>>> root = XMLDictNode()
>>> _ = root.add_node(tag='name', text='tag #1')
>>> _ = root.add_node(tag='name', text='tag #2')
>>> print root
{'name': [u'tag #1', u'tag #2']}
>>> for i in root.find_nodes_with_tag('name', recursive=False):
...   print i
tag #1
tag #2

Even though our examples up to this point have demonstrated text, it is worth noting that this method returns the actual node, whatever that may be:

>>> root = jxmlease.parse("""            ... <a>
...   <b>
...     <c>
...       <foo>bar</foo>
...       <status>ok</status>
...     </c>
...   </b>
... </a>""")
>>> for i in root.find_nodes_with_tag('b'):
...   print i
{u'c': {u'foo': u'bar', u'status': u'ok'}}

If the recursive parameter is False, the code will check the current node. If the current node does not match, the code will check the current node’s direct children. However, if the current node has a matching tag and the recursive parameter is False, the code will stop its search and not check the children of the current node.

If the recursive parameter is True (the default), the code will search the current node and all of its children, even the children of other matching nodes. Therefore, the method may even return children of other matches, if you specify a recursive search:

>>> root = jxmlease.parse("""
... <a>
...   <a>
...     <a>foo</a>
...     <a>bar</a>
...   </a>
... </a>""")
>>> count = 0
>>> for i in root.find_nodes_with_tag("a"):
...     count += 1
...     print("%d: %s" % (count, i))
1: {u'a': {u'a': [u'foo', u'bar']}}
2: {u'a': [u'foo', u'bar']}
3: foo
4: bar
>>> count = 0
>>> for i in root.find_nodes_with_tag("a", recursive=False):
...     count += 1
...     print("%d: %s" % (count, i))
1: {u'a': {u'a': [u'foo', u'bar']}}

You can also use a tuple as the tag parameter, in which case the method will return nodes with a tag that matches any of the given tag values.

You can use this function to create somewhat complicated logic that mimics the functionality from XPath “//tag” matches. For example, here we check for <xnm:warning> and <xnm:error> nodes and return their value:

>>> root = jxmlease.parse("""            ... <foo>
...   <xnm:warning>
...     <message>This is bad.</message>
...   </xnm:warning>
...   <bar>
...     <xnm:error>
...       <message>This is very bad.</message>
...     </xnm:error>
...   </bar>
... </foot>""")
>>> if root.has_node_with_tag(('xnm:warning', 'xnm:error')):
...   print "Something bad happened."
Something bad happened.
>>> for node in root.find_nodes_with_tag(('xnm:warning', 'xnm:error')):
...   if node.tag == 'xnm:error':
...     level = "Error:"
...   elif node.tag == 'xnm:warning':
...     level = "Warning:"
...   else:
...     level = "Unknown:"
...   print(level + " " + node.get("message", "(unknown)"))
Warning: This is bad.
Error: This is very bad.
  • tag (string or tuple) – The XML tag (or tags) for which to search.
  • recursive (bool) – If True (the default), search recursively through all children. If False, only search direct children.

A generator which iterates over all matching nodes.


Get a node’s CDATA.

Returns:A string containing the node’s CDATA.

Return the current node.

There are times that the current node must be replaced in the XML tree for some reason. For example, due to the immutability of Python strings, a new XMLCDATANode (which masquerades as a string) is required anytime its CDATA value changes.

When this occurs, you can retrieve the latest node using the get_current_node() method. This will attempt to find the node that succeeded the node in question. If the node is still current, it simply returns itself.

Therefore, it should always be safe to run:

>>> node = node.get_current_node()
Returns:Subclass of XMLNodeBase containing the current successor to the node (if any). If the node is still “current”, the method returns the node itself.
get_xml_attr(attr, defval=<jxmlease._basenode._NoArg object>)

Get an XML attribute.

This method returns the value of an XML attribute. If the XML attribute does not exist, it will return a user-supplied default value. If the user did not supply a default value, it raises a KeyError.

  • attr (string) – The name of the XML attribute.
  • defval (string) – The default value. (Default: Raise a KeyError.)

The string value of the XML attribute, or defval.


KeyError – If the attr is not found and defval is not supplied.


Return the XML attribute dictionary.

This method returns the value of the XML attribute dictonary. Note that it returns the actual XML attribute dictionary, rather than a copy. Please take caution in modifying it.

Returns:The XML attribute dictionary.
Return type:OrderedDict
has_node_with_tag(tag, recursive=True)

Determine whether a node with a matching tag exists.

This method uses the find_nodes_with_tag() method to search the current node and its children for a node that has a matching tag. The method returns a boolean value to indicate whether at least one matching node is found.

Because this function uses the find_nodes_with_tag() method, the parameters and algorithm are the same as the find_nodes_with_tag() method.

  • tag (string or tuple) – The XML tag (or tags) for which to search.
  • recursive (bool) – If True (the default), search recursively through all children. If False, only search direct children.

True if at least one matching node is found; otherwise, False.


Determine if the node has XML attributes.

Returns:A bool that is True if the node has XML attributes, and False otherwise.
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


L.insert(index, object) – insert object before index

jdict(in_place=False, promote=False)

Return a dictionary keyed appropriately for Junos output.

This method is a shortcut to call the dict() method with these parameters:

attrs=[('junos:key', 'junos:key', 'junos:key'),
       ('junos:key', 'junos:key'), 'junos:key']

This will attempt to produce the correct key for each node. Some nodes have a multi-field key. If that occurs, the dictionary key will be a tuple. In cases where there is a single key, the dictionary key will be a string. If there is no matching node, the key will simply be the XML tag name.

Some Junos nodes use a different tag for the key. And, in some cases, the junos:key attribute is not available. In those circumstances, you should directly call the dict() method with the correct attributes or tags.

Please see the documentation for the dict() method for further information.

  • in_place (bool) – Whether the change should be made in the XML tree.
  • promote (bool) – Whether the new nodes should be added to a dictonary placed at the current node, or they should be “promoted” to the first enclosing dictionary.

An XMLDictNode. If in_place is False, the dictionary formulated from the current node. If in_place is True, the dictionary to which the nodes were added. (Note: If promote is True, this dictionary may contain additional entries that already existed in the enclosing dictionary.)

  • AttributeError – If the node is out of date and in_place is True. (See get_current_node().)
  • AttributeError – If in_place is True and the method encounters irrecoverable data inconsistency while making changes to the XML tree.

Return a node as a list.

This method returns a node as a list. This is useful when you are not sure whether a node will contain a single entry or a list. If the node contains a list, the node itself is returned. If the node does not already contain a list, the method creates a list, adds the node to it, and returns the list.

If the in_place parameter is True, then the change is made in the XML tree. Otherwise, the XML tree is left unchanged and the method creates and returns a temporary list.

Parameters:in_place (bool) – Whether the change should be made in the XML tree.
Returns:list or XMLListNode If the current node is a list, the current node; otherwise, a list containing the current node as its sole member.
Raises:AttributeError – If the node is out of date and in_place is True. (See get_current_node().)
pop([index]) → item -- remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

prettyprint(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Print a “pretty” representation of the data structure.

This uses the pprint() method from the pprint module to print a “pretty” representation of the data structure. The parameters are passed unchanged to the pprint() method.

The output from this method shows only the main data and not the meta data (such as XML attributes).

When using pprint(), it is necessary to use this method to get a reasonable representation of the data; otherwise, pprint() will not know how to represent the object in a “pretty” way.


L.remove(value) – remove first occurrence of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


L.reverse() – reverse IN PLACE

set_cdata(cdata, return_node=False)

Set a node’s CDATA.

This method sets a node’s CDATA. Note that any node can contain CDATA in what is called “semi-structured” XML. However, nodes that only contain CDATA are represented as XMLCDATANode objects. Regardless of the node, you can use this same method to set the CDATA.

Note: When running this on an XMLCDATANode, the actual node will be replaced with a new node in the tree. (This is a result of Python’s string immutability.) The function will update the XML tree, if necessary; however, any local references you have saved for the node will become stale. You can obtain the updated node by setting the return_node parameter to True or by running the get_current_node() method on the old node. For this reason, if you plan to keep a local reference to XML node in question, it is a good idea to run the method like this:

>>> node = root['a']['b'][0]
>>> node = node.set_cdata("foo", True)
  • cdata (string) – The text value that should be used for the node’s CDATA.
  • return_node (bool) – Whether the method should return the updated node.

None or the updated node object if return_node is True.


AttributeError – If the node is out of date. (See get_current_node().)

set_xml_attr(attr, val)

Set an XML attribute.

This method sets the XML attribute to the given value. If the XML attribute already existed, its value is overridden by the new value. If the XML attribute did not already exist, it is created.

  • attr (string) – The name of the XML attribute.
  • val (string) – The value of the XML attribute.



AttributeError – If the node is out of date. (See get_current_node().)


L.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) – stable sort IN PLACE; cmp(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1


Convert all child nodes to instances of an XMLNodeBase sub-class.

This method is useful when you have added a child node directly to a dictionary or list and now want to convert it to the appropriate XMLNodeBase sub-class.

Parameters:deep (bool) – If True (the default), recursively descend through all children, converting all nodes, as needed. If False, only convert direct children of the node.
strip_cdata(chars=None, return_node=False)

Strip leading/trailing characters from a node’s CDATA.

This method runs the string class’ strip() method on a node’s CDATA and updates the node’s CDATA with the result. (This is the functional equivalent to node.set_cdata(node.get_cdata().strip()).)

Note that any node can contain CDATA in what is called “semi-structured” XML. However, nodes that only contain CDATA are represented as XMLCDATANode objects. Regardless of the node, you can use this same method to append CDATA.

Note: When running this on an XMLCDATANode, the actual node will be replaced with a new node in the tree. (This is a result of Python’s string immutability.) The function will update the XML tree, if necessary; however, any local references you have saved for the node will become stale. You can obtain the updated node by setting the return_node parameter to True or by running the get_current_node() method on the old node. For this reason, if you plan to keep a local reference to XML node in question, it is a good idea to run the method like this:

>>> node = root['a']['b'][0]
>>> node = node.strip_cdata(return_node=True)
  • chars (string) – Contains the characters to strip. This is passed to the string class’ strip() method.
  • return_node (bool) – Whether the method should return the updated node.

None if return_node is False; otherwise, the updated node object.


AttributeError – If the node is out of date. (See get_current_node().)