Producing XML Output

You can create XML output using the emit_xml method of one of the XML node classes to produce XML output from the node’s data. You can also use the package’s emit_xml() function to directly convert a Python object to XML output.

Producing XML Output from an XML Node Object

You can produce XML output from an XMLDictNode, XMLListNode, or XMLCDATNode instance. You use the emit_xml class method to produce the output.

XMLNodeBase.emit_xml(output=None, encoding='utf-8', handler=<class xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator>, **kwargs)[source]

Return the contents of the XML tree as an XML document.

This method will create a ContentHandler by calling the method provided by the handler parameter. It will call emit_handler() with this ContentHandler object. In addition, this method will accept any parameter that the emit_handler() method accepts (except the content_handler parameter). It will pass them to the emit_handler() method when it calls it.

  • output (A file-like IO object, or None) – The file-like IO object in which output should be placed. If None, the method will return the XML output as a string.
  • encoding (string) – The encoding that should be used for the output.
  • handler (function) – A method that will return a ContentHandler object. This method will be called with two positional parameters: the output parameter (or, if None, a file-like IO object) and the encoding parameter.

If output was None, the method will return the XML output as a string. Otherwise, None.

XMLNodeBase.emit_handler(content_handler, pretty=True, newl='\n', indent=' ', full_document=None)[source]

Pass the contents of the XML tree to a ContentHandler object.

This method will pass the contents of the XML tree to a ContentHandler object.

  • content_handler (ContentHandler) – The ContentHandler object to which the XML tree wll be passed.
  • pretty (bool) – If True, this method will call the content_handler.ignorableWhitespace() method to add
  • to the output document. (whitespace) –
  • newl (string) – The string which the method should use for new lines when adding white space (see the pretty parameter).
  • indent (text) – The string which the method should use for each level of indentation when adding white space (see the pretty parameter).
  • full_document (bool) – If True, the method will call the content_handler.startDocument() and content_handler.endDocument() methods at the start and end of the document, respectively. If False, it will not call these methods. If the parameter is not set, the method will attempt to determine whether the current node is the root of an XML tree with a single root tag. If so, it will set the full_document parameter to True; otherwise, it will set it to False.


Producing XML Output from a Python Object

You can produce XML output from a normal Python dictionary or list using the emit_xml() function.

jxmlease.emit_xml(obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Translate a Python dictionary or list to XML output.

This method internally creates an XMLDictNode or XMLListNode object, as appropriate, and then calls the emit_xml method of that class.

Any arguments you supply are passed on to the emit_xml method of that class. Please see the documentation for the class’ emit_xml method for information on arguments and return values.

Raises:TypeError – If the object is not an appropriate type to convert to an XML tree.